Only mocks some of the clichés of the popular TV crime genre, but also one of its own brand spokespersons. All State's Cop Show Campaign Will Stream in the US on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Pinterest The video has the Phone Number Database of showing off that the brand's insurance does not Phone Number Database the premium by accident, no matter who is responsible Inside TV, this commercial aired during the NFL Draft Many companies see satire and parody as a very easy way to do marketing. And it is that these styles not Phone Number Database allow the campaign to benefit from the emotional advantages that humor brings to the brand-consumer relationship.
They also help make the narrative of the phone number database ad itself much easier to define. And perhaps more importantly, it has the added value of being able to take advantage of popular culture to grab the attention of the public. One of the most recent Phone Number Database of this type of strategy comes from the American insurance brand AllState. The company is well known in its home country for the commercial work it does with Dennis Haysbert. In fact, he is one of the company's most frequent and popular spokespersons. Not Phone Number Database that, but he has also collaborated on TV shows and movies like The Unit and 24.
Thus, he is a benchmark of popular culture in the United States (USA). For its new campaign, AllState decided to make a clever reference to both the TV cop genre and Haysbert's work with its brand. The ad begins as a relatively normal series, with two police officers at the scene of a car accident caused by a criminal fleeing justice. Phone Number Database partner, instead of saying a one-liner , starts talking about the brand's insurance benefits, ruining the shot. Cultural references in campaign While it's not uncommon Phone Number Database companies to make these types of references in their ads, there are companies that are a bit more subtle than others.