new generation information security defense, and smart manufacturing. There are 277 registered manufacturers and 543 attendees, which shows Taiwan's attention to information security issues. Getting warmer. In addition, in the second half of 2022, a series of visits, lectures, seminars, exchange meetings, and practical courses will be launched one after another. It is expected that more than 1,500 information security personnel will be cultivated this year. image1 Photo Credit: ACW SOUTH Sharon Information Security Service Base Since information security is national security, to build the foundation of information security defense competitiveness, the first and foremost is the training of talents.
If you have not been to the ACW SOUTH information security base, you may wish to find a good time and make an appointment to visit or attend relevant lectures and courses this year. To strengthen Taiwan's information security awareness, start with you and me, and learn more about ACW SOUTH 's information security base . Advertisement of the Industrial sms services Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs you may also like What's holding us back? The ability to desire will also "the poor get poorer and the rich get richer" Mentalization: How does the ego develop the ability to imagine the mental state of the self and others? "Journey into the Most ForbiddenText: Chen Xiaozhu (trainer, specializing in detection dog training,
animal behavior training and dog behavior correction, currently teaching in the Pet Grooming Group of the Department of Beauty and Technology, Meihe University of Science and Technology) Dogs have always been considered man's best friend, and some even believe that they are more suitable for living together as soul mates than humans. Over time with dogs, scientists have discovered that they can be trained to use their keen sense of smell to sniff out and warn of human diseases. At present, there are more and more related successful cases all over the world. Among them, scientists also distinguish working dogs according to their specialized fields of work,